
The Birth and Death of Structured Concurrency

in Thoughts on a Programming Language

on Fri, 14 Jun 2024

One of the main goals of ligma lang is to have a language that implements only structured concurrency. This is an exploration of how that manifests.

Just like when replacing unrestricted (goto) control flow with structured control flow, we end up with multiple new concepts. I arrived at two: what I call collect groups and select groups. The former expresses "compute all of these results, concurrently," and the latter is "compute any one of these results." If we include two variants of each to express static and dynamic structures, and allow cancellation of groups, we cover most uses for concurrency.

Collect and select are dual; the former corresponds to products and the latter to sums. I think that's a sign that the idea is solid.

Well, insofar as structured concurrency itself is actually the best thing. And in exploring collect and select concurrency, I think I've reached the conclusion that it isn't.

There's a different option that's more radical but definitely powerful. Instead of having special control flow for the parts of a program we want to make concurrent, just have concurrency be the default. Make operations sequential only when they have an actual dependency.

Haxl has explored this concept in the context of Haskell. It requires wrapping every operation in a custom type in order to use them in the concurrent environment, but that's because it has to fit itself into Haskell's existing sequential model. With direct support designed into the language, and perhaps a bit less focus on composing with other language elements, concurrent-by-default could become much more accessible.

In principle, we could even automatically parallelize loops when each iteration is independent. It would be nice to have a way to guarantee concurrent looping as a way to help avoid performance cliffs, but this would be just a matter of formalizing loops whose bodies are combinators.

I think concurrent-by-default totally subsumes the collect group idea. Computations naturally collect when you use them in a product-y way.

I find two concerns that come up with this idea. The first is that it might be hard to express an incomplete computation as an expression result. The machinery I have in mind for select groups likely help with that, by allowing us to express a group of one process.

The second concern is how this interacts with synchronization primitives. I suspect it's fine to treat internally synchronized types like atomics and monitors as simply never forming dependencies for the purpose of concurrency analysis. Externally synchronized data, i.e. mutexes separate from the variables they protect, probably require dedicated support in the language; it might be preferable to just not allow them.

That's the collect part down. Select groups still need something different.

The insight with selection is that any number of processes are computing a result of the same type. In other words, we can handle them with just a unary type constructor. Like "pointer to T" or "array of T," we can have "eventually T." Or, to use a more familiar term, "future T."

Select groups as I imagine them just generalize the familiar concept of futures to multiple processors per term. The first process to compute a result (or one selected non-deterministically if multiple are ready at the time of waiting) becomes the result for the whole group, and the rest halt. Alternatively, we can cancel the entire group, supplying the group's result immediately – possibly from outside.

Concretely, the operations we want include:

There is one important subtlety to this. A future containing zero processors can operate on uninhabited types. That's a very common source of unsoundness across programming languages. It seems feasible to prevent waiting on empty groups, but it isn't necessarily a bad thing to do so when the group could have processes added after waiting begins.

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